Out of 12 eggs, only 6 were mature and only 4 fertilized normally. I know I should be happy and grateful to have 4 but I don't understand why the other 6 weren't mature.
Is it because they cycled me even though I had 2 cysts? If so, did the cysts get in the way?
Is it because they should have had me stim an extra day?
Is it because retrieval was 34 hours after I took the ovidrel even though it says to take it 37 hours prior to retrieval?
Is it because my eggs just suck?
The nurse actually said 'maybe we learned something from this and your eggs need to go an extra day to be mature.' Thanks so fucking much. Why didn't we figure this out last time after I only had 5 mature eggs our of 9?
I can't keep going through this. I was so happy and positive this cycle. I don't know what else I could do.
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
Four is still a good number, but yes it would be nice if there were more. And I agree, why didn't they realize that you need a different protocol last time!
I'm sorry that not as many fertilized as you'd hoped, but it's not over yet.
Will pray that all four grow and are able to either transfer or freese for future use.
Freeze, too. ;-)
You aren't out of the game Darya! It only takes one! Maybe you could repeat that like a mantra - it only takes one, it only takes one...
And I agree that your RE needed to take note on your egg size last time. These goddamn doctors! I have such a love/hate relationship with them. I love them for providing this option to us, but I hate that it is ultimately a business. Grrrrrrrrrrr!
Hang in there girlie! Keep me posted on the transfer details. I'm thinking of you and would be frustrated and upset by only 4 too! I'm sorry these weren't the results you were hoping for.
Hugs to you Darya - I know you're disappointed, and I know you wish you got a better fert rate. I'm sorry that you're stressed right now. Know that I'm sending your 4 little embabies a lot of positive energy to grow and thrive and get ready to come home with you!
Hang in there...
Hi Darya,
I know it can be disappointing when not as many eggs fertilized as you were hoping for. But remember what Erica said, it only takes one. I'm thinking of you.
I would have wanted to have killed her when she said that.
But, like the rest said....you just need one, hon:) Are you going to put all 4 back?
Argh Darya! I sense your frustration. Let's hope the golden egg is in your quads there. This crap is just so stressful. Rooting for you.
Mary- I guess it depends on how many make it to blast and what our RE lets us do. With that stupid octomom story, he may not let us put in all 4 even IF we are lucky enough to have 4.
Hi - thanks for posting on my blog! I am going to read your story when I am on bedrest today!
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