Everything was great until this morning.
My lining went down from an 11 something yesterday to a 7 something today (same ultrasound tech). When I brought it to her attention, she looked for the thickest area and it was 9 something. She asked me if I have been bleeding and I haven't. The u/s tech was surprised and so was the nurse. I'm trying not to get too stressed but it does worry me a bit. I'm going back in tomorrow for a follow up.
On the brighter side, I have 14 measurable follicles. 1 or 2 are cysts but even 12 is a really good number for me! E2 was 2375 (yesterday it was 1965).
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
Hey Darya,
It's such a frustrating ride through IVF. I hope that your lining looks good at your next review. I'm thinking of you, and hoping that this is your lucky cycle.
I've heard about lining measurements going down before and I've never really heard a good explanation for it. I'm hopping that it's just a measurement error (even with the same tech), but either way, 7 or 9 isn't really a bad number. If you hadn't of had a u/s yesterday you probably would have even known about it. 12 follicles sounds great and your E2 sounds like it's rising nicely! I hope there aren't anymore cracks appearing in the ice when you go tomorrow.
How unexpected? Can they do a freeze-all if your lining doesn't even out? I'll bet you are quite frustrated. Wishing you thickness. :-)
I've always had trouble with my uterine lining, so I understand how frustrated you must be. I hate that our bodies don't do what they're supposed to do - makes me feel like a failure, you know?
How was the u/s today? I hope things are looking better. Sending warm thoughts your way.
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