Trigger at 10:00PM tonight! I just did the Ganerelix so just the 2 vials of Ovidrel left. That's it for shots and tomorrow will be needle free!
I think I've gone through the entire spectrum of feelings tonight excitement, happiness, fear, doubt, anger, etc. There is just so much riding. I am thrilled at the possibility that I may have lots of eggs but I can't help the thoughts going through my head. Will most of them be overcooked or undercooked? Are they all bad quality? Will any fertilize? What if they don't? Does Ganerelix fry eggs? Why do RE's seem to prefer lupron? Maybe it's because there is no hope with the Ganerelix. But why would the RE put me on this if it didn't work? Did they just let me stim longer to make me feel better? Do they think I'm a lost cause? Minutes later, new thoughts enter my mind. WOW, what if I end up with a lot of fertilized eggs? Maybe even a few to freeze! I'm in a new lab after all. This lab is suppose to be really good. Maybe I'll even make it to a 5 day transfer!!!
It's amazing I haven't signed myself into a mental hospital yet.
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
Yay! I'm so excited. I hope and pray that you get more healthy embies than you could possibly imagine. And I totally understand about feeling like you might need to be checked in sometimes, lol. This is a crazy life we are leading. I can't wait to see how this cycle works out for you, Darya. You really desearve this.
I'm ahead of you in that line for the mental hospital!! Ganirelix works fine, don't worry about it. Your RE is a good man, he's doing everything with a lot of consideration for you and for better results than last time!
Good luck - you're probably doing your trigger as I type this.
My candle is burning for you tonight. Hugs to you!
That is great news. I hope that all goes well for you.
What a roller coaster it has been.
From what I know, this is one of the most stressful parts of an IVF cycle. So don't book yourself in to the mental hospital just yet! And if you do book in, let us know and we will join you!
That is a lot of "what if's"!!! I am hoping and praying for you! Try to relax the best you can!
You must be having your retrieval right now! GOOD LUCK!
And thanks for your blog comment. :-)
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