Ultrasound technicians should really keep their opinions to themselves. They are not doctors and really don't have a clue as to what the doctor will do. The technician's unwarranted opinion is what freaked me out yesterday! I pulled my hair out all morning, kept my office door closed, cried on and off, and billed a fraction of what I should have due to my obsessive research on dominant follicles in between short spurts of legal insight. Argh....And for what? NOTHING. ZIP. There was no reason to panic.
I received the call late in the afternoon. The nurse eased my concerns and told me my RE looks at each person's individual history and response and makes the best determination based on his findings. He determined that I should stim last night and come in today for an ultrasound and bloodwork. She also mentioned that since I had several follicles that are smaller, he may just let the bigger ones go and wait for the smaller ones to have a bigger batch.
We had to wake up at 5:30AM to be at the clinic in time this morning. Dracula was a man this time and so was the ultrasound technician. The male ultrasound technician was a first for me and I felt a little strange talking about my ovaries and follicles with him. Thankfully, that didn't last very long. He said I have 9 measurable follicles and a few smaller ones. I got a call from the nurse and I am to stim tonight and tomorrow night and go back Monday morning for my next ultrasound/blood draw. Looks like I will end up with more than 3. PHEW..What a relief.
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
Hi Darya,
I am so pleased that the news about your follicles is better. What a relief!
From reading other blogs I get the impression that the number of follicles can increase quickly. Some girls have been stressed about too few follicles one day, and then the next there are many more follicles than they thought. I hope this works for you too.
Don't worry about billable hours. You are more important right now!
Male u/s tech? That would really throw me off.
Good luck getting those lil ones to get big.
Yup - I don't think I've seen a male u/s tech either!
Glad you're feeling more relaxed, and I hope the follicles are growing in there and there will be plenty of eggs in your basket come ER!!
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