We transferred 4 embies yesterday! YUP, 4!!! The embryologist said that given my history and my age, it is extremely unlikely that more than 2 will implant and transferring the 4 would give us the highest chance of success. I took it.
We had:
2 8 cell embies, top grade
1 7-8 cell embie, next grade
1 5-6 cell embie, even lower grade
She said even the dud 4th embie didn't look too bad and we have a good chance overall. I feel good and I'm glad we are finished with ER and the transfer.
ER was really painful this time. My ovaries still hurt a bit every so often but it's not too bad anymore. I could barely stand or walk on Thursday and Friday. I actually ended up having a hard time Thursday and Friday. I took the prescription pain killers all day Thursday and I guess I was so out of it anyway that I didn't notice specific side effects. Well, woke up Friday in excruciating pain and decided to take 2 more. BIG MISTAKE. I spent the next several hours shaking, blurry and feeling absolutely miserable. It was actually pretty scary. DH was at work and I was upset with him about something that happened on Thursday so I didn't bother asking him to come home. I wish my mom had been here. I felt really lonely and just missed living close to family and friends. It's funny, I really can't figure out what is worse being far from everyone or living close. For the most part, I think the distance is good because I'm not forced to be social the way I would be if I lived near home. This way, I can have my solitude. I generally don't feel like being social anymore anyway. But...on Thursday night and Friday, I really could have used my mom or just someone here with me.
By Saturday, I was feeling a lot better. I spent most of the day cleaning up an extremely messy condo. I hadn't cleaned since before my ER so it was a disaster! I also organized a few closets and got some things in order. I hate being in a messy place, specially a messy kitchen.
I've been on the couch as much as possible since we got back yesterday. If I do this again which I really hope I never do, I will have to plan our my meals a little better and maybe have a cleaning lady come just before my transfer.
Well, I guess I was in need of a little pity party. Mostly because I felt very alone Thursday and Friday. I'm all good now though. I'm glad it's over and I feel even stronger because of it. I love that feeling.
พระราชบัญญัติผังเมือง.กฎกระทรวง พ.ศ. ๒๕๖๐....
5 years ago
I am glad you are feeling better! STICK LITTLE EMBIES STICK!!!
Hey Darya
I'm glad all went well. The grades look awesome! Good luck - sending you major sticky vibes! Stick stick stick!
Hi Darya,
I was wondering how the ET went on the weekend. That's great that they did 4 embies. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I can totally relate to feeling lonely. It is exactly what I am going through too. I just don't know what to say to people anymore.
I am glad that you are feeling a bit better. And a cleaning lady sounds like a great idea!
I hope that the next two weeks passes by quickly.
Fingers crossed for you! STICK!!!
4 is awesome!! I am so excited for you. I love it. Can't wait to celebrate in 10 days with you. :-) When can you come home?
Holy crap they put a litter in there:) I'm SO happy for you, Darya. This has to be it. Sorry you were in so much pain though, that sounds terrible.
I hope this 2ww goes by quickly!!
Hey Darya, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Wishing you a BFP just around the corner! :)
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